About Us

Mother Forking Farm is a small farm in rural Georgia with the goal of providing our family with ethical and sustainable food and daily use products. Our eventual goal is to take what we learn and begin producing these goods for others.

This journey began unlike the majority of our other moves across country. For quite some time Georgia had been calling us back home, but the timing never felt quite “right”. Our other moves were more on a whim, and we never had the luxury of seriously planning out a move. We thought this time would be different and we would have more time to plan… and then a pandemic hit the world, essentially crippling the American economy.

In December of 2019, we made a conscious decision to move back to Georgia in the summer of 2020. The plan was to simplify our lives, move to a smaller house, and be in a thriving downtown district. For months, we had our hearts set on buying a small condo that overlooked the Savannah River, with the ultimate goal of purchasing land and building a tiny community for like minded individuals.

When Covid-19 came sweeping in, our lives, along with the lives of many others was disrupted in a palpable way. We were fortunate enough not to be financially impacted. Our pain was felt when it came to accessibility to food and community. Others were not so fortunate, and this caused us distress, wondering how this could happen and how we could help.

Living outside of a large metropolitan city, transit services were never a problem. We had easy access to everything we could ever need. Covid disrupted the transit lines, and therefore severely impacted access to groceries, goods, and services. Restaurants were shuttered, grocery stores were wiped out, and farmers all around us were shearing off their crops and destroying them. We were trapped and felt completely helpless.

Being stuck in lockdown gave us time to sit and really learn about where our food came from, how it was produced, treatment of animals, and the overall quality of resources. To say were were blind and naive would be an extreme understatement. As we researched, we were shocked and disgusted at what we learned, and knew we needed to make a change.

After much discussion, we scrapped the idea of owning a condo and moving back to a downtown district, and began looking into rural life and farming. It took a great deal of thoughtful consideration to make this decision as it was wildly different than we have ever done, but we knew it was the right choice for us. We couldn’t go back to our naive ways. Thus, “the farm”, as we originally called it became the ultimate goal.

So, from clear across the country, we enlisted the help of a real estate agent to make our dream a reality. She diligently worked to find us the perfect property, and when we thought it was all going to fall apart at the last second, she jumped in to save the deal, and Mother Forking Farm was born.

To be quite frank, we have no idea what we are doing 90% of the time, and tend to make quite a few mistakes. We hope to use our adventure to share our experiences and help others create a more sustainable life for themselves.